NBA's HQ B-Ball Tips
![]() ![]() __________________________________________________________ ![]() ![]() EASTERN CONFERENCE Does anyone even watch this poor display of 20 year olds. This is a disgrace to the NBA. They have just 16 games. It's hard to believe this team was good at one time. This team has added Mark Jackson to their squad but he has not lived up to his expectations. If you have watched some of the Knick games this part of the season you would that Charlie Ward plays most of the forth quarter. Lets see if that changes in the playoffs. Marbury can't do everything, where is everybody else on this team. for #1 Draft pick Kenyon is not performing like he should. Imagine if Starbury were in Minnesota with KG right now. Without EJ at the two for a month it will be interesting to see if the Heat plunge in the standings or rise. This injury could determine their playoff fate. The Celtics looked very hot when Coach O'Brien took over. But, just like every other team after they get a new coach, the Celtics cooled off. Look for Pierce and Walker to take over the show and sneak their way into the 8th seed. After that who knows. The addition of Dikembe Mutombo was risky at first because they threaten to ruin team chemistry. But it worked and the 76ers are #1 in the NBA. The Hornets are one of their streaks. They bad part about these streaks is that the Hornets tend to get cold while it lasts. Take it while it lasts though; they've won 8 of their last 10. Getting rid of Mark Jackson helped the Raptors a lot. There is a happy Chris Childs now. Carter finally has a second option to pass to. His name is Mo Peterson. If he keeps up his good play at small foward he could get Rookie of the Year over Marc Jackson of the Golden State Warriors. The Magic have been great this season considering the adversity. If Grant Hill were in the picture right now TMAC would be great on the defensive side of court. There he could spend more energy. He's a great player; he'll learn to be more mature over time. Look for this team to make it to the first round; that's it. The Pacers went to the Finals last season now they are a .500 team fighting for the 8th seed in the East with Boston. This is a sad turnaround. When they became yound I thought the veterans would lead them to a better record. I think the main problem is Rose wanting to play PG. If he plays the three and lets Travis Best play the PG they have a better chance at a better record for the rest of the season. Stack even said it himself, he can't do everything. This team has really become bad. 24-40, please this is a disgrace. What were they thinking trading JYD away. This team needs to work hard this offseason, very, very hard. The Wizards have won 16 games. MJ, why did you pick this team to be president for, did you honestly think you could turn this team around? The wizards have given away Stickland and Howard, two of their best players. MJ, please return to the NBA and help this sorry team! The Hawks, Cavs, and Bucks are teams that will have reports written in the future. Since these teams are not very major they will be done as soon as the webmaster gets time. If you would like to write one paragraph about the one or all of the teams above click Here to tell the webmaster if you are interested. WESTERN CONFERENCE Easily the most deep team in the leauge. Damon, Smith, Pippen, Sheed, Kemp, Davis, Bonzi, etc... They have talent but i question they're coach. What plays did he draw up when they had a lead of 16 POINTS in the 4th quarter in game 7 between the Lakers.They really blew that one bad. Look for them to get the Western Con. Finals and we'll see who wins. The NBA Champions will come back hard trying to defend their championship. With the addition of JR Rider the Lakers become reasonable deeper. Now all they need is a good PF and they will have a clear shot at the championship. But I question their playoff record. They went 5 games against the Kings and 7 against the Blazers. Look for them to d better next season most likley without Glen Rice. a The Spurs are the underdogs this year. With all the talk about the Lakers, and Blazers, the Spurs have been out of the spotlight and making some good signings. One being the re-signing of All-Star Foward, Tim Duncan, and they also signed Derek Anderson (a former clipper). They also resigned Avery Johnson. Look for this team to do very well and possibly getting to the second-third round. The Suns are another underdog team. They have great players such as Jason Kidd, Penny Hardaway, Googs, and Clifford Robinson. Cliff Robinson is one of the most underrate fowards in the game today. Look for this team to go to the third round (if everybody stays healthy). Attention all Kings fans. Your team has a lot of talent but their time is running out. If they don't start getting Jason Williams under control with his on and offcourt problems, they might infact start having losing seasons again. Chris Webber is great, hands down, it's just that he is so dominate I wonder why he doesn't get the ball more. I think this team would have more success if they can get Jason Williams to shoot some reasonable shots and have him dish some more dimes to C-Webb. The T'Wolves have one of the best players in the NBA. This is just like the Allen Iverson story. The people around him are not stepping up. The only other person is Terrell Brandon. This team has a bright future though. They have young guys that will only get better. The Sonics had potenial at one time. Now that Vin Baker is slumping, the only person Gary Payton can rely on is Rashard Lewis. There is one onther good player on the Sonics; Shammond Williams. He is a very good shooting guard who can score very well. Look for this team to have an O.K. season and probably get knocked off in the first round. The Rockets have shown that they can be very good at times. With Steve Francis at point and Shandon Anderson at shooting guard they have a good chance at getting into the playoffs this season, despite the tough western conference. If they can get Hakeem healthy they'll have even a better chance. The Jazz's time has come. They had the two years against the Bulls in the Finals. But pratically everybody on the Jazz are in the twilights of their careers. Sorry Jazz fans but with Stockton retiring after the season and Hornaceck gone, there is no way they can make it past the second round. The Clippers, Warriors, Mavericks, Grizzlies, and Nuggets are not major teams. The webmaster will write on them when time permits. If you would like write a paragraph or so about the teams above Click Here. The Lakers Are 1999-2000 NBA Champs! © 2001 Site Work By Webmaster |