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Welcome To The Newly designed Player of the Week Section. This part of the site is updated weekly and makes a player of the week based on a players performance. If you have any suggestions about who should be player of the week, drop an email.

Player of The Week: Stephon Marbury
Stephon Marbury had a stellar week with the Nets and lead his team to a 2-1 week. With only 29 minutes of play Marbury managed to drop 41 points, dish 9 assists, and grab 5 rebounds. Marbury is the one of the only players lifting the Nets by tough teams such as the Indiana Pacers. He also averaged over 30 points every night that weak. Kenyon Martin is also helping too. Infact he leads rookies in rebounds with an average of 6 boards a game. Many believe Byron Scott is mad with him, but what can you expect. Kenyon Martin is a rookie on the NJ Nets, the coaches will milk the players for everything they're worth because the job is riding on the players performance.
The Lakers Are 1999-2000 NBA Champs!
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